The Department of Shoulder, Elbow, Hand, Wrist & Sports Injuries at MGM Healthcare offers specialized services in shoulder, elbow, hand wrist and sports medicine. We specialize in arthroscopy, joint replacement and trauma surgery affecting the upper limb. Most of these procedures are done on a daycare basis to ensure patient comfort and minimise hospital stay. We are one of the leading establishments in India for the provision of super-specialty services in orthopaedics. We have state-of-the-art facilities to provide such exquisite services and a dedicated team of physicians, nurses and physiotherapists working exclusively for the shoulder and upper limb team. We are also the first Centre to provide 24*7 tailored services to our patients. Our mission is to help patients achieve their pre-injury status with effective treatment and care.
- Home
- Our Specialities
- Cardiac Sciences
- Gastro Sciences
- Minimal Access GI & Bariatric Surgery
- Heart & Lung Transplant
- Multi-Visceral and Abdominal Organ Transplant
- Liver Transplant
- Neurosurgery
- Neurology
- Spine Surgery
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Orthopaedics
- Total Knee replacement
- Renal Sciences
- ENT, Head & Neck surgery
- Internal Medicine
- Anaesthesiology & SICU
- Emergency Medicine
- Radiology and Imaging Services
- Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery
- Dermatology
- Laboratory services & Blood Bank
- Maxillofacial & Dental Surgery
- Critical Care
- Opthamology
- Pain Management
- Pulmonology
- Rehabilitation Medicine
- Pediatrics and Neonatology
- Paediatric Cardiology
- Emergency Na MGM
- Oncology Treatments
- Our Doctors
- International Patients
- Patient Information
- Second Opinion
- Academic Programs
+91 44 4524 2407Appointment
+91 44 4200 4200Emergency