The Department of Internal Medicine and Allied Sciences is led by renowned consultants, called internists, who are often the first offer for patients before they are further referred to other specialties.
- Home
- Our Specialities
- Anaesthesiology & SICU
- Cardiac Sciences
- Emergency Medicine
- Gastro Sciences
- Heart & Lung Transplant
- Liver Transplant
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Orthopaedics
- Total Knee replacement
- Radiology and Imaging Services
- Renal Sciences
- Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery
- Dermatology
- ENT, Head & Neck surgery
- Internal Medicine
- Laboratory services & Blood Bank
- Maxillofacial & Dental Surgery
- Critical Care
- Opthamology
- Rehabilitation Medicine
- Pulmonology
- Pediatrics and Neonatology
- Our Doctors
- International Patients
- Patient Information
- Second Opinion
- Academic Programs
+91 44 4524 2424Appointment
+91 44 4200 4200Emergency