Comprehensive Care for Movement Disorders - MGM Healthcare

Comprehensive Care for Movement Disorders Tue , Feb 27

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Advanced Movement Disorders

  • Movement Disorders represent a unique set of challenges, impacting lives on a global scale. At MGM Healthcare, we recognize the profound effects these disorders can have on individuals and their loved ones.

    Movement disorders pose significant challenges, but with the appropriate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment, individuals can lead improved lives.

    They encompass a group of neurological conditions characterised by abnormal movements. They could be either increased movements (like spasms, jerking or shaking) and decreased or slow movements which may be voluntary or involuntary.

Abnormal movements can be of two types

  • Hyperkinetic Movements

  • Hypokinetic Movements

Hyperkinetic movement Disorders – Involves increased movements

  • Tremors – Involuntary trembling or shaking movements, that commonly affect the hands, but can also involve legs, head and voice

  • Dystonia – Painful muscles movements causing abnormal movements and postures, which may be painful. Most common type is involvement of face or neck muscles. It can also present only during specific actions such as writing, commonly called Writer’s Cramp

  • Ataxia – Impaired balance or coordination due to damage to the brain and nerves. Patients usually present with difficulty walking and feeding themselves

  • Chorea – Involuntary, irregular, unpredictable, jerky non-stereotyped movements, which can look like dancing. Most well-known cause is Huntington’s Disease, where memory disturbance coexists

  • Myoclonus – Sudden, brief involuntary twitching or jerking of muscle groups, which can affect any part of the body. These can be small or large in amplitude

  • Spasticity – Abnormal muscle tightness due to prolonged muscle contraction

  • Tics – Compulsive, repetitive sound or movement that’s often difficult to control, associated with anxiety. The most common cause is Tourette’s Syndrome

Hypokinetic Movements – Involves decreased movements

  • Parkinson’s Disease – A disorder of the brain causing slowing of all voluntary movement, associated with tremors of the hands, stiffness and imbalance.

Other Parkinsonian Syndromes

  • There are other conditions which can mimic Parkinson’s disease but have other associated symptoms and a different disease course and response to treatment. These include:

  • Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: It is a rare neurological disorder impacting body movements, walking and balance, and eye movements. The postural instability is prominent along with difficulty looking downward

  • Cortico Basal Syndrome (CBS): Patients usually have difficulty using one arm significantly worse than the other, with occasional jerking

  • Multiple System Atrophy (MSA): Patients have features of Parkinsonism and ataxia, with a drop in blood pressure on standing.

  • Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH): Patients present with difficulty in walking, urinary problems and memory disturbances.


  • Uncontrolled movement like twitches, spasms, tremors, jerks, twisting and shaking

  • Difficulty in balance and coordination

  • Difficulty in certain movements such as writing, swallowing or speaking

  • Difficulty in walking or changes to your gait

  • Stiffness or rigidity of limbs and trunks


  • Degenerative – Due to loss of brain cells with aging

  • Infections

  • Autoimmune – Due to the body’s immune system attacking the body’s own cells

  • Post stroke

  • Medication induced

  • Metabolic derangements – such as liver failure, kidney disease

  • Genetic

Diagnosis and Tests

  • Blood tests

  • Electromyography

  • Electroencephalogram

  • Lumbar puncture

  • Biopsy

  • Computed tomography

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Management and Treatment

  • Symptomatic medication

  • Immunotherapy

  • Physical Therapy

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Speech Therapy

  • Physiotherapy

  • Botulinum toxin injections

  • Deep Brain Stimulation

  • At MGM Healthcare, a multidisciplinary clinic, offers a holistic approach to treating and rehabilitating movement disorders. The clinic houses experienced neurologists, neurosurgeons, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and neurophysiologists all collaborating for personalised care.

    Movement disorders pose significant challenges, but with the appropriate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment, individuals can lead improved lives.

    Call us at 044-4524 2407 for a personalised consultation

    Your journey to a better quality of life starts with comprehensive and compassionate care.