Dr Madhumita: COVID Delta Variant - MGM Healthcare | Best Super-MultiSpecialty Hospital in Chennai
From Our Medical Experts Internal Medicine Tue , Jul 27
Dr Madhumita: COVID Delta Variant

The COVID pandemic has made us realise that infectious diseases knows no boundaries. Listen to Dr Madhumitha, Consultant, Infectious Diseases, talk about the Delta variant of the Coronavirus.

Dr Madhumitha explains what the Delta variant is, how it works and why it is more dangerous than the normal strain. She explains that the Delta variant has resulted in more hospitalisations compared to any other variant and is almost 100% transmissible than the original strain of the virus.

Listen to her answer various other questions and be aware of the seriousness of the Delta variant. It is in our hands to develop herd immunity by taking the vaccine. #TakeTheShot today.

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