Dr Suhasini - Eye Problems for People above 40 years - MGM Healthcare | Best Super-MultiSpecialty Hospital in Chennai
From Our Medical Experts Ophthalmology Wed , Nov 24
Dr Suhasini – Eye Problems for People above 40 years

Dr. Suhasini S, Associate Consultant, Department of Ophthalmology at MGM Healthcare talks about various issues and diseases for people above 40 years of age.

She advices everyone that it is imperative to go through annual eye checkup. The doctor explains various problems that she has encountered with patients. One of the most common issues is long sightedness or issues with looking at or reading near objects this is called press myopia. With increasing age, many eye problems arises which implies the necessity of an annual eye checkup. Watch the video to know more from Dr.Suhasini about eye problems affecting the people above the age of 40.

Call us on 044 4524 2407 to book your eye screening now!

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