Preventing Heat Stroke in Chennai | MGM Healthcare

Heat Stroke Mon , Apr 15

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As Chennai’s temperature rises, so does the risk of heat-related illnesses like heat stroke.

  • The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has declared that India will face heatwave and it is crucial to understand the signs, symptoms, and preventive measures to take care of ourselves.

  • Heat Stroke, also known as sunstroke, is a severe heat-related illness characterized by a dangerously elevated body temperature  (typically above 104°F or 40°C). It occurs when the body’s temperature regulation system fails, often due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures or in hot environments.

  • At MGM Healthcare, we want to prioritize your well-being, and this blog covers all you need to know about heat stroke.


  • High Body Temperature

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • Confusion

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Headache

  • Fatigue

  • Flushed Skin

  • Loss of consciousness or seizures in severe cases

  • Preventing heat stroke starts with proactive measures to stay cool and hydrated, especially during hot weather or when engaging in strenuous activities outdoors.

Here are some preventive tips:

  •  Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day and keep yourself hydrated.

  •  Time Outdoor Activities: Plan outdoor activities during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late evening.

  •  Take frequent Breaks: If working or exercising outdoors, take frequent breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas to cool down.

  •  Avoid alcohol and caffeine: These beverages can contribute to dehydration and increase the risk of heat-related illnesses.

  •  Check on Vulnerable Individuals: Children and elderly are more susceptible to heat stroke.


  • If you suspect someone is experiencing heat stroke, it’s crucial to take immediate medical action. Here’s what you can do:

  •  Call Emergency Services: Heat stroke is a medical emergency. Call for professional help immediately.

  •  Move to a Cool Place: Get the person out of the sun and into a shaded or air-conditioned area.

  •  Cool the Body: Use whatever means to lower the body temperature, such as applying cold compresses, spraying with cool water, or immersing yourself in a cold bath.

  •  Offer Fluids: If the person is conscious and able to swallow, provide cool water or electrolyte-rich drinks.

  •  Monitor Vital Signs: Keep an eye on the person’s breathing and consciousness while waiting for medical assistance to arrive.

  • Heat stroke is a serious condition that requires prompt recognition and treatment to prevent complications such as organ damage or even death. By staying informed about the symptoms, taking preventive measures, and knowing how to respond in case of an emergency, you can enjoy the summer season safely.

  • At MGM Healthcare, we are committed to providing comprehensive care and promoting community health and well-being.

  •  stay hydrated and take care of yourself and your loved ones this summer.

  • Reviewed by 
    Dr Ram Mohan 
    Clinical Lead & Senior Consultant 
    Department of Emergency Medicine