Revitalizing Lives | LVAD Treatment at MGM Healthcare

Left Ventricular Assist Devices: A bridge to Transplant Tue , Apr 23

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  • Heart failure is a complex condition that causes the heart to struggle with its workload, significantly impacting one’s daily life. In advanced cases, the weakened left side of the heart leads to extreme fatigue and weakness, hindering routine activities. However, advancements in medical technology, including the innovative Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD), present a glimmer of hope for those seeking to resume a normal and fulfilling lifestyle.

Causes of heart failure

  • Heart failure can be caused by multiple factors, including coronary artery disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart valve problems, muscle disorders, inflammatory conditions and congenital defects. If left untreated, heart failure can greatly impair the functioning of the heart’s left side, resulting in hindered circulation of vital oxygen-rich blood.

The role of LVAD

  • The LVAD is an implantable pump designed to assist individuals with advanced heart failure. Its specialized design supports the left side of the heart with exceptional efficiency, aiding in blood circulation and serving as an interim measure before transplantation. The Institute of Heart and lung transplant and Mechanical Circulatory Support stands at the forefront of LVAD treatment, providing comprehensive care and support to patients.

Reclaiming Daily Life with LVAD

  • Studies reveal a remarkable 94% success rate in patients undergoing the LVAD procedure and this effectiveness is demonstrated through a six-minute walking test over six months, emphasizing the safety and efficacy of this life-changing procedure.

  • Equipped with an LVAD, patients can resume daily activities like walking, gardening, dancing, and spend quality time with their families. Caregivers are trained to respond to alarms from the device and interpret LVAD readings, ensuring a smooth transition into an active lifestyle.

Design mechanism of LVAD

  • LVAD’s advanced engineering includes efficient power management with two sets of batteries for day-time activities. The heart pump, connected to the left side of the patient’s heart, and the driveline, facilitating power and information transfer, allowing the heart to pump blood effectively. This ensures continuous support for patients on their journey to recovery.

LVAD Treatment at MGM Healthcare

  • The Institute of Heart and Lung Transplant & Mechanical Circulatory Support, spearheaded by Dr. K.R. Balakrishnan – Chairman and Director and Dr. R Ravi Kumar – Associate Clinical Lead, addresses the physical and emotional impact of heart failure patients and their families. This holistic approach makes LVAD treatment at MGM Healthcare a beacon of hope for those facing advanced heart failure.

  • MGM Healthcare’s commitment to treating heart failure through LVAD treatment is reflected in its comprehensive care, innovative strategies, and outstanding success rates.

  • Reviewed by 
    Dr Ravi Kumar 
    Senior Consultant and Associate Clinical Lead
    Institute of Heart and Lung Transplant and Mechanical Circulatory Support