Allergic fungal Rhino-sinusitis treatment at MGM Healthcare

Allergic fungal Rhino-sinusitis treatment at MGM Healthcare

Sat, 15 ENT, Head & Neck Surgery

Mr. Vadivel, 26 years old, was suffering from constant nose block, headache, breathing troubles for the past few years. He was on the lookout for the best ENT surgeon to help him out. After browsing the internet with this specific intent, he zeroed in on Prof Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty’s name ticking all the boxes. Prof Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty, Senior Consultant and Head, Institute of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery, clinically assessed him and a working diagnosis of Allergic fungal Rhino-sinusitis with gross deviated nasal septum was made.

Diagnostic nasal endoscopy and CT scan findings confirmed the diagnosis. Purposeful endoscopic sinus surgery was performed successfully with excellent surgical outcomes.

Today, Mr. Vadivel is completely free of the annoying symptoms of headache, dry mouth, heaviness of the head, etc post-surgery. He now breathes freely through the nose (with a face mask, of course !). He wholeheartedly thanks Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty and his team along with the nursing staff at MGM, for the new lease of life that he experienced after a long period of suffering.

Watch the whole video to hear Mr. Vadivel recount his experience as a patient at MGM Healthcare.

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