Baby Ahnaf Abid Arafi’s journey has been a long one, MGM

Baby Ahnaf Abid Arafi

Mon, 11 Oncology

Neuroblastoma Cancer

Baby Ahnaf Abid Arafi’s journey has been a long one. Mr Firdous Alam, his father, shares that his baby has been suffering from Neuroblastoma Cancer for three and a half months. He says that the whole family’s dreams and hopes were shattered every day because they were not able to find any cure or treatment option that would improve the child’s condition.

Mr Alam, who is from Bangladesh, talks about how his baby had to undergo numerous tests, scans and chemotherapy before identifying his condition as Neuroblastoma. After arriving at MGM Healthcare, he says that they very satisfied with Dr Dhanasekar, Senior Consultant, Department of Surgical Oncology, and were happy with the assurance given by him of an almost 100% cure post treatment. Baby Ahnaf is now doing well and Mr Firdous thanks the entire oncology team at MGM Healthcare.

MGM Healthcare strives to give the best patient care to give them a new lease at life. Baby Ahnaf is all set to live his whole life out in the world and we are glad we could be a part of this journey.

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