Patient Experience: Mr. Prateek Pal's Journey - MGM Healthcare

Mr Prateek Pal: Jaw bone tumour

Fri, 9 ENT, Head & Neck Surgery

Jaw bone tumour

Listen to Dr Sanjeev Mohanty, Senior Consultant and Head, Institute ENT, Head and Neck Surgery at MGM Healthcare, share an endearing story of a patient, Prateek, who had an increasing mass on the right side of his face.

Prateek Pal from Howrah, West Bengal, had a large jaw bone tumour for which he had consulted with a lot of doctors in Howrah and other places but with no success. The right side of his mouth and cheek swelled up drastically in the last two years. He came to Chennai and started consulting with Dr Sanjeev Mohanty at MGM Healthcare.

After assessing the condition, Dr Mohanty suggested surgery to remove the tumour that would leave no scar. Post the operation, Prateek expresses his relief and says that he is feeling much better. He also shares how the care and facilities provided at MGM are better than the treatment he had received previously in other hospitals. The previous doctors had urged him to go for facial surgery followed by plastic surgery, however, Dr Sanjeev Mohanty took at different route. He had removed the tumour from inside the mouth, thus leaving no scars at all. He thanks Dr Sanjeev Mohanty and the MGM Family for giving him a fresh outlook on life.

At MGM, we always put our patients first and provide them with the latest treatment options available. #DoingMoreBetter

To consult with Dr Sanjeev Mohanty, visit or call 044-45242407 for appointments.

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