Mr Yash from Mumbai had suffered a triangular fibrocartilage.

Mr Yash

Wed, 10 Orthopaedics

Mr Yash from Mumbai had suffered a triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tear in his wrist. He found out about Dr Ram Chidambaram, Director, Shoulder, Elbow, Hand and Sports Injury at MGM Healthcare, who uses the latest technology nanoscope for the treatment and repair of smaller joints like the wrist.

After having a few virtual sessions with the doctor, Mr Yash felt confident that this technology would help in a painless procedure. He travelled from Mumbai to Chennai to get it treated by Dr Ram Chidambaram. Mr Yash and his mother are both very satisfied with the service at MGM Healthcare and are thrilled to be pain-free and returning home.

Dr. Ram Chidambaram has over 25 years of experience as an orthopaedic surgeon. He has established a specialised practise in shoulder, elbow, hand, and sports injuries. MGM Healthcare has the latest technology and experienced doctors who are well trained by international standards.We endeavour to keep doing more, better.

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