Mrs Rani, had been suffering from intermittent discharge

Mrs Rani

Wed, 2 ENT, Head & Neck Surgery

Mrs Rani, from Ambattur had been suffering from intermittent discharge from the left ear for a long time. Despite several surgeries, the problem still recurred. Mr Angraj, her husband, then brought her to MGM Healthcare on the recommendation of a close friend, and several positive feedback about the hospital.

Mrs Rani came under the expert care of Prof. Dr Sanjeev Mohanty, Senior Consultant & HOD, ENT, Head & Neck Surgery. Dr Mohanty, after analysing her history, suggested a procedure called left modified radical Mastoidectomy with Tympanoplasty. In this procedure, a small hole was drilled into the mastoid bone and the infection was drained which will cure her once and for all. Mr Angraj shares that he was happy with the solution that Dr Sanjeev Mohanty suggested for her problem.

The procedure was performed under the Price Assurance Program by MGM. Mr Angraj shares that they were glad when they recieved the invoice without any hidden charges, and was the same as the fixed price. MGM Healthcare’s Price Assurance Program — fixed price plans on over 25 medical procedures from our Centres of Excellence. We are glad that Mrs Rani is returning home without any pain. We aspire to keep doing more, better.

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