Nayak Associates' Healthcare Journey - Patient Experience

Nayak Associates

Thu, 17 ENT, Head & Neck Surgery

I was unable to sleep for 2 years. When I was examined by prof. Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty ENT of MGM Health care at Simply Care, Bhubaneswar, it was found from dynamic MRI that I am suffering from sleep apnoea. I used to wake up in every 1 hour’s gap in the night due to my tongue and mouth dryness. But after doing surgery by Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty, ENT at MGM Healthcare on 17 Mar 2022. Now I can sleep well. Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty, ENT at MGM Healthcare treated me as his younger brother and discharged me on 23 Mar 2022 with a new life. Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty, ENT at MGM Healthcare behaviour and treating patient procedure is unspeakable. Really, he is God for me.

Healthcaring Stories

All voices matter. Every interaction matters. Every patient matters. Patient experience matters. Every patient has a story. Every story touches countless lives as well. Hence a positive and impactful patient experience matters to us the most and is at the core of everything we do.


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