Ramesh Babu's Patient Experience at MGM Healthcare

Ramesh Babu

Thu, 17 Internal Medicine

Got admitted for Kidney Stone on Monday 13 Feb 2022 under Dr. Swamikannu, we experienced excellent treatment from him and his entire team of doctors, including supporting staff and other staff Nurse, Even the Ultrasound team and lab team worked so nicely, everybody worked in team to ensure everything was smooth, not to forget the attenders and housekeeping staff. Finally, Hospitality team the way we taken care by the canteen team especially Chef Sharif, his food was awesome enjoyed our stay. Thank you, Dr Swamikannu!

Healthcaring Stories

All voices matter. Every interaction matters. Every patient matters. Patient experience matters. Every patient has a story. Every story touches countless lives as well. Hence a positive and impactful patient experience matters to us the most and is at the core of everything we do.


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