About the Department of Hip and Knee - MGM Healthcare | Best Super-MultiSpecialty Hospital in Chennai


Integrated orthopaedic care for bone, joint, muscle, ligament, nerves, with advanced treatment for fractures, arthritis and sport injuries

Welcome to The Department of Hip and Knee

Experience the difference at MGM Healthcare’s Department of Orthopaedics, where your orthopaedic needs are met with expertise, dedication, and personalized care.

MGM Healthcare’s Department of Orthopaedics ,we provide a comprehensive array of services to address musculoskeletal injuries and diseases.

The hip and knee joints are intricate and vital for mobility. When these joints deteriorate due to conditions like arthritis, the consequences can be severe. Our team’s expertise in hip and knee replacement procedures is your solution. We offer a broad spectrum of options, from Total Hip Replacement to Revision Hip Replacement and a range of knee procedures, including Single Knee Replacement, Bilateral Knee replacement and ACL Reconstruction.

Our team, led by renowned Dr A.B.Govindaraj and his team, ensures that you receive the highest level of care for your orthopaedic needs

He is proficient in performing Joint Replacement procedures, such as Total Knee Replacement and Hip Replacement. In addition to his expertise in adult Orthopaedic surgeries, Dr. AB Govindaraj is also an expert in Spine Orthopaedic Surgery, having undergone specialized training under Prof. Henry Halm in Germany.
Dr. AB Govindaraj has an impressive track record, having successfully performed over 10,000 orthopaedic surgeries, including 3000+ joint replacement surgeries and 600 total hip replacements. His specialization lies in joint replacement surgery, particularly in bilateral knee replacement procedures

The knee, a complex joint that consists of three bones:

  • the femur (thighbone)
  • the tibia (shinbone)
  • the patella (kneecap)

The knee is classified as a synovial joint, which is known for its remarkable range of motion. They are characterized by a covering of smooth hyaline cartilage on the bone ends, and a synovial membrane, a sac filled with lubricating fluid, lining the space between the bones. This unique structure provides added cushioning, ensuring that synovial joints can move with minimal friction.

Knee Replacement Indications

The most common condition leading to knee replacement is arthritis, including:

  • Osteoarthritis: A degenerative joint disease affecting middle-aged and older adults, leading to the breakdown of joint cartilage and adjacent bone.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: An inflammatory condition causing synovial membrane inflammation and excessive synovial fluid, resulting in pain and stiffness.
  • Traumatic Arthritis: Arthritis caused by injury, which can damage knee cartilage.

The primary goal of knee replacement surgery is to resurface the damaged parts of the knee joint and provide relief from knee pain.

Scope of Services:

Our Orthopaedics Department offers a wide array of services, including:

Knee Replacement:

Single Knee Replacement:

Single Knee replacement surgery is a medical procedure designed to relieve pain and enhance the quality of life for individuals afflicted with severe knee arthritis. It is usually recommended when non-surgical treatments, such as altering physical activities, anti-inflammatory medications, and knee joint injections, including biological therapy, have proven ineffective in alleviating arthritic symptoms.

Bilateral Knee Replacement: A specialized procedure where both knees are replaced simultaneously. It’s particularly beneficial for patients with severe arthritis in both knees.

Revision Knee Replacement: A complex procedure needed when a previously implanted knee prosthesis requires replacement or repair due to factors like wear and tear, loosening, or infection. It demands meticulous pre-operative planning and a range of implant accessories.

Ceramic Total Knee Replacement (Ceramic TKR):A unique form of knee replacement using ceramic materials for enhanced durability, reduced wear, and a longer-lasting solution.

Customized 3D Knee: Personalized knee implants created with 3D printing technology. It ensures a tailored fit to the patient’s specific anatomy.

Joint Regeneration: The process of restoring damaged or degenerated joint tissues, such as cartilage and bone, to enhance joint function and alleviate pain. This approach applies to various joints, including knees, hips, shoulders, and more.

Alternatives to Knee Replacement Surgery: Non-surgical options tailored to the patient’s condition and preferences, including physical therapy, medications, lifestyle modifications, and injections, such as viscosupplementation (injection of hyaluronic acid into the affected joints)

Knee Reconstruction:

ACL Reconstruction:

ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) reconstruction addresses torn or damaged ACLs in the knee, commonly caused by sports activities, leading to knee instability and reduced mobility.

During ACL reconstruction, surgeons typically replace the torn ACL with a graft, sourced from the patient or a donor. The graft anchors in the knee through incisions, providing stability. Rehabilitation and physical therapy are vital for regaining strength, mobility, and function following ACL reconstruction.

The aim is to restore shoulder stability and function, enabling patients to regain strength and mobility

PCL Reconstruction:

PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament) reconstruction is a surgical procedure to repair knee PCL injuries, which are less common and usually caused by high-impact trauma, like accidents or sports incidents.

In PCL reconstruction, surgeons repair or replace the damaged ligament to restore knee joint stability and function. Surgical techniques and graft choices vary based on the injury’s severity. Post-operative rehabilitation, including physical therapy and a gradual return to normal activities, is crucial for full knee recovery.

The hip joint, a remarkable ball-and-socket structure, is formed by the femur (thigh bone) and the acetabulum (part of pelvis). serves a vital role in the human body by connecting the torso, or axial skeleton, to the lower limbs. Its functions are multifaceted, encompassing several key aspects that contribute to overall mobility and stability.

Foremost, the hip joint provides the fundamental balance and unwavering support needed to uphold the upper body’s weight. This pivotal function ensures that we can stand, walk, and bear the physical demands of daily life.

Hip Replacement Indications

Hip replacement, also known as hip arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to replace a damaged or deteriorating hip joint with an artificial implant. The decision to undergo a hip replacement is based on certain indications.

  • Osteoarthritis: This is the most common reason for hip replacement. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes the cartilage in the hip joint to wear away, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may require hip replacement when the disease causes severe joint damage and pain.
  • Post-Traumatic Arthritis: If a hip injury or fracture leads to post-traumatic arthritis, where the joint deteriorates over time, hip replacement can restore function and reduce pain.
  • Avascular Necrosis: This condition occurs when the blood supply to the hip joint is disrupted, leading to the death of bone tissue. Hip replacement can alleviate pain and improve hip function in cases of avascular necrosis.
  • Congenital Hip Disorders: Certain congenital conditions, such as hip dysplasia, can lead to hip joint problems that require surgical correction through hip replacement.

Hip Replacement

  • Cemented Hip Replacement: Involves securing artificial hip components with special bone cement for immediate stability and fixation.
  • Uncemented Hip Replacement: Utilizes a press-fit technique with porous implant surfaces to encourage bone growth and fusion, enhancing stability.
  • Hip Resurfacing Service: Reshapes and caps damaged hip joint surfaces with metal components. It’s a less invasive alternative to complete hip replacement, suitable for younger, active patients.
  • Revision Hip Replacement: A complex procedure to replace or repair a previously implanted hip prosthesis due to factors like wear and tear, loosening, or infection.
  • Ceramic THR (Total Hip Replacement): Utilizes ceramic materials for durability and low friction, potentially extending the lifespan of the hip prosthesis.

At MGM Healthcare Department of Orthopaedics, each procedure and treatment is tailored to meet individual patient needs, ensuring the highest standard of orthopaedic care.

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    We are with you in your journey to better health

    A consultation with our panel of orthopaedic surgoens will help you determine what kind of services you may need to help diagnose and treat your condition. If you or someone in your family or friend’s circle is having any orthopaedic condition or disorder, the Department of Orthopaedics and the Department of Should, Eblow, Hand, Wrist and Sports Injuries at MGM Healthcare is here to care for you. We have some of the best Orthopaedic surgeons, Orthopaedic doctors and Arthroscopic Specialists in Chennai on-board who are highly skilled in treating the entire spectrum of orthopaedic conditions.

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