Shoulder, Elbow, Hand and Sports Injuries | MGM Healthcare


Integrated orthopaedic care for bone, joint, muscle, ligament, nerves, with advanced treatment for fractures, arthritis and sport injuries.

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Orthopaedics and the Department of Shoulder, Elbow, Hand and Sports Injuries at MGM Healthcare

Department for Shoulder, Elbow, Hand and Sports Injuries

The department of Shoulder, Elbow, Hand & Sport Injuries offers exclusive specialist – delivered service in shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand and sports medicine. The team benchmarks in treating arthroscopy, joint replacement and trauma surgery affecting the upper limb. Most of these procedures are done on a daycare basis to ensure patient comfort and to minimize hospital stay. MGM Healthcare is one of the leading establishments in India for the provision of regional super speciality services in Orthopaedics. We have state-of-the-art facilities to provide such services as well as dedicated trained nurses and physiotherapists working exclusively for the shoulder and upper limb team. The centre is the first to provide round-the-clock service. Our mission is to help patients achieve their pre injury status with effective treatment and care.

Dr Ram Chidambaram

Clinical Director

Shoulder, Elbow, Hand, Wrist & Sport Injuries

Dr Ram Chidambaram is a renowned Orthopaedic Surgeon with over 28 years of experience in his field. He has worked as a consultant in shoulder and upper limb surgeon for more than a decade in the United Kingdom.

He specialises in upper limb surgery and has established an exclusive orthopaedic super-specialty centre in Chennai. In the past 13 years, he has performed over 4,500 keyhole surgeries, 1,100 joint replacements as well as 3,000 trauma surgeries affecting the shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist.

Dr Ram Chidambaram is an elected member of the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS). He has published numerous articles and conducted a number of national and international meetings to increase awareness about shoulder, elbow, hand and sports injuries. He served as the President of the Shoulder and Elbow Society of India (2017 – 2021)

The human hand, consisting of the wrist, palm, and fingers, is remarkably flexible, aiding in daily tasks. Challenges arise when hand and wrist issues impede activities like driving, bathing, and cooking. This intricate structure comprises 27 bones, 27 joints, 34 muscles, over 100 ligaments and tendons, along with blood vessels, nerves, and soft tissue.

Conditions affecting Hand and Wrist
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Thumb Arthritis
  • Trigger Finger
  • Dupuytren’s Contracture
  • Arthritis of the Wrist
  • Flexor Tendon Injuries
  • Wrist Pain
  • Ganglion Cysts
  • Hand Fractures
  • endon and Nerve Lacerations
  • Scaphoid Fractures
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, caused by median nerve compression at the wrist


symptoms like finger numbness, hand and wrist pain, and weakened grip. Risk factors include anomalies, repetitive motions, fractures, hormonal imbalances, and medical conditions


Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ranges from conservative approaches to surgery. Conservative methods address underlying conditions, splinting, rest, ice, and exercises. Surgical options, including Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery, aim to relieve nerve pressure. Post-surgery care involves elevation, splints, ice, hygiene and therapy
Cartilage and synovial fluid facilitate smooth joint movement.

Thumb Arthritis:

Thumb arthritis, is common in women over 40 years of age


Swelling, pain, stiffness, deformity and hampering thumb function.


Treatment involves lifestyle changes, medication, splints, or injections, with surgery as a last resort.

Surgical choices for thumb arthritis include osteotomy, trapeziectomy, arthroplasty, and arthrodesis. Rehabilitation after surgery aids in hand strength and mobility. Wearing splints or casts supports healing, with a return to normal activities in months.

Trigger Finger

In the human body, the ability to bend and move the fingers is facilitated by strong tendons that link muscles to the finger bones. These tendons run alongside the bones, supported at intervals by ligament tunnels known as pulleys. These pulleys enable tendons to glide through smoothly as the fingers flex or extend, aided by a lubricating layer called tenosynovium, which reduces friction.

However, when inflammation affects the tenosynovium, a condition known as trigger finger occurs. Also referred to as stenosing tenosynovitis or flexor tendonitis, trigger finger results in one of the fingers or thumbs becoming stuck in a bent position.


Pain, tenderness, a popping or clicking sensation during movement, stiffness, and eventually, a finger becoming locked in a bent position.


To alleviate trigger finger symptoms, conservative treatments are often employed. These may include managing underlying medical conditions, resting the hand, performing strengthening and stretching exercises, using ice and anti-inflammatory medications, and considering steroid injections. In more severe cases, surgical procedures like percutaneous trigger finger release surgery is recommended

Dupuytren’s Contracture

Dupuytren’s Contracture is a condition in which fibrous tissues in the palm thicken, causing fingers to bend inward. It typically affects the ring and little fingers, hindering their full extension. The exact cause is unknown, but factors like age, social habits, medical conditions, gender, heredity, and ancestry are some of the predisposing factors.


Lumps or nodules found in the palm which leads to difficulty in straightening the finger, and contracture of the nodules which forms tough bands under the skin.


Nonsurgical treatments like NSAIDs, heat compression, massage, exercises, and injections for milder cases to surgical procedures for more severe conditions.

Arthritis of the Wrist

Arthritis is a condition that results from wear and tear or damage to the cartilage covering the ends of bones within joints. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis are common types.


Wrist arthritis causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and weakness, affecting daily activities. Diagnosis involves physical examination and imaging tests.


Nonsurgical treatments like NSAIDs, splints, and steroid injections provide relief. Surgical options include joint rearrangement (osteotomy), joint removal and grafting (arthroplasty), and joint fusion (arthrodesis).

Flexor Tendon Injuries

Flexor tendons, which run along the palm side of the hand, enable finger bending. Injuries can result from deep lacerations or trauma, causing pain, swelling, and limited movement. Partial or complete tears can occur, with complete tears often requiring surgical intervention


It involves immediate first aid, physical examination, and X-rays. Surgery may involve suturing or grafting to repair the damage, followed by rehabilitation exercises.

Wrist Pain

Wrist pain is a common problem due to overuse and injuries. Sprains, strains, fractures, ligamentous injuries, repetitive trauma syndrome, and conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome can lead to wrist discomfort.


Pain, swelling, and limited mobility.


It depends on the type of injury and may involve rest, immobilization, splinting, medications, and even surgery in severe cases.

Ganglion Cysts

Ganglion cysts are fluid-filled sacs that commonly form near wrist tendons or joints. They may not cause harm but can be painful or limit movement. Diagnosis involves physical examination, needle aspiration, and imaging tests.


Diagnosis involves physical examination, needle aspiration, and imaging tests. Aspiration and injections may be used to treat large cysts, while surgery can be considered for persistent or painful cases

Hand Fractures

Hand fractures are common due to overuse and trauma.


Fractures can occur at different locations and may cause severe pain, swelling, and deformity.


Diagnosis is based on examination and X-rays.
It involves reduction and immobilization using casts or splints, and in severe cases, surgery.

Tendon and Nerve Lacerations

Lacerations, tears in the skin, can damage tendons and nerves. Deep lacerations on the palm side of the hand can affect flexor tendons, causing pain and limiting finger movement. Nerves located closely to tendons may also be damaged, leading to numbness.


Involves wound cleansing, pain relief, and sometimes surgery to repair tendons or nerves.

Scaphoid Fracture

A scaphoid fracture is a common wrist injury involving the scaphoid bone, located near the base of the thumb. Individuals who sustain a scaphoid bone fracture, often due to falls or wrist injuries.


Pain, swelling, tenderness, and limited mobility


Prompt diagnosis and surgical interventions are crucial to prevent complications like non-union.

Immobilisation, closed reduction, internal fixation and bone grafting are some of the treatment modality

The elbow is formed by three bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), which connects to the shoulder, and the two forearm bones (radius and ulna), connecting the wrist. It consists of three joints encased in a joint capsule filled with synovial fluid.

Conditions affecting Elbow
  • Elbow Arthritis
  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Elbow Fracture
  • Acromioclavicular Joint (AC) Dislocation
  • Calcific Tendinitis
  • Shoulder Arthritis
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Shoulder Instability
  • Rotator Cuff Tear
Elbow Arthritis

Elbows, vital for upper limb function, can be affected by arthritis, fractures, and other conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis may necessitate total elbow replacement, a procedure that replaces the damaged joint.


Total elbow replacement surgery is performed for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, bone injury, ankylosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic arthritis, and failed elbow joint replacement, restoring function by replacing the damaged joint. This surgery involves scar tissue removal, muscle balancing, and fitting an artificial joint.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

This syndrome involves ulnar nerve compression at the elbow’s cubital tunnel.


Intermittent Numbness
Pain in hands and finger
Weakness in the hand due to nerve irritation.


Conservative treatments, like avoiding pressure on the elbow, splints, and NSAIDs, are used. Surgery aims to relieve nerve pressure if its required.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, results from overuse or strain on forearm tendons. It causes pain and weakened grip due to muscle and tendon damage. Common in occupations involving repetitive elbow movements, it can be managed with rest, physical therapy, medication, and surgery in severe cases.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis is through physical exams and imaging tests.
Conservative treatments include rest, braces, therapy, and medications. Surgery is considered in severe cases. Post-operative care involves immobilization, exercises, and monitoring for risks like infection or nerve damage.

Elbow Fracture

An elbow fracture occurs when the bones of the elbow joint break or crack. There are two types: extra-articular fractures (intercondylar, supracondylar, epicondylar, and condyle fractures) and intra-articular fractures (trochlea, capitellum, radial head, and proximal ulnar fractures). The elbow joint is made up of the humerus, radius, and ulna bones. It has three joints: ulnohumeral, radiohumeral, and proximal radioulnar. Soft tissues like cartilage, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and bursae support the elbow.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Swelling, tenderness, stiffness, and bruising around the elbow
  • Restricted elbow movement
  • Pain during stretching
  • Possible nerve or artery damage
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Numbness in fingers, hand, or forearm
  • Popping or cracking sensation in the elbow


  • Medical history, physical exam, X-ray


  • Rest the elbow for 8-10 weeks
  • Non-surgical approaches include casts or splints for stable fractures
  • Pain medication and antibiotics is recommended
  • Physical therapy to enhance range of motion and muscle strength
  • Surgery for displaced or unstable fractures
Acromioclavicular Joint (AC) Dislocation

AC joint dislocation happens when the collarbone separates from the shoulder blade due to a fall. Mild dislocation involves AC ligament sprain, while severe cases damage acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments. Surgical reconstruction, known as anatomic reconstruction, restores joint function by replacing torn ligaments with allograft tissue.


  • Shoulder pain, bruising, swelling, limited movement


  • Medical history, physical exam, X-ray


  • Conservative options: rest, cold packs, medications, physical therapy
  • Surgery for severe cases

Calcific Tendinitis

Calcium deposits form in rotator cuff tendons, causing inflammation, pain, and stiffness in calcific cuff tendinopathy. It progresses through pre-calcification, calcific, and post-calcific stages.


  • Pain while lifting arm, stiffness, shoulder loss of motion


  • Physical examination, X-rays, ultrasound


  • Conservative: anti-inflammatory meds, steroid injections, heat/ice, shock wave therapy
  • Surgery if pain persists
Shoulder Arthritis

Damage to shoulder joint cartilage leads to arthritis. Osteoarthritis affects older adults, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.


  • Joint pain, swelling, stiffness


  • Medical history, physical exam, X-rays, CT/MRI scans


  • Medications, physical therapy, surgery if necessary
Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder causes pain and limited shoulder joint movement due to inflammation of shoulder ligaments.


  • Pain, stiffness, restricted movement


  • Physical Examination, X-rays, MRI scans 


  • Conservative: NSAIDs, physical therapy, heat
  • Surgery if pain persists
Shoulder Instability

Shoulder instability involves frequent dislocations due to ligament inflammation or injury


  • Pain, swelling, loss of function


  • Medical history, physical exam, X-rays


  • Conservative: closed reduction, medications, rest and ice
  • Surgery if needed
Rotator Cuff Tear

Rotator cuff tears result from shoulder injury or strain.


  • Shoulder pain, weakness, limited movement


  • Physical exam, X-rays, MRI


  • Conservative: rest, pain relief, physical therapy
  • Surgery if required

The Institute for Shoulder, Elbow, and Sports Injury at MGM Healthcare – your destination for comprehensive specialist orthopaedic care. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to providing a wide range of services designed to cater to your specific needs.


Our state-of-the-art arthroscopic procedures offer minimally invasive solutions for joint-related concerns, allowing for accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment.

Joint Replacement:

With a focus on restoring mobility and quality of life, our joint replacement procedures ensure lasting relief from joint pain and discomfort.

Sports Injuries:

From athletes to enthusiasts, we offer tailored treatments to address sports-related injuries, helping you get back to your active lifestyle effectively and safely.

Upper Limb Trauma:

Our specialized approach to upper limb trauma ensures that fractures and injuries are treated promptly and effectively, promoting optimal recovery.

Shoulder Surgery:

From rotator cuff repairs to shoulder stabilizations and shoulder replacement, our expertise in shoulder surgery guarantees the best possible outcome for your shoulder problems.

Elbow Surgery:

Our team of skilled surgeons provide advanced elbow care, addressing issues ranging from tennis elbow to complex ligament injuries including total elbow replacement.

Wrist Surgery:

Whether it’s carpal tunnel syndrome or TFCC tear, fracture of scaphoid or wrist, Rheumatoid or age-related arthritis, our keyhole and nanoscopic surgical interventions are tailored to restore function and alleviate discomfort.

Hand Surgery:

With a keen focus on intricate hand structures, we offer precise solutions for hand-related problems, ensuring improved dexterity and function.

Daycare Surgery:

Experience the convenience of outpatient procedures, allowing you to return home on the same day, without compromising on the quality of care.


Our holistic approach extends beyond surgery – we are committed to guiding you through a comprehensive rehabilitation journey, promoting faster recovery and optimal results.

  • Arthroscopic Repair of Rotator Cuff Tear: A minimally invasive technique to repair tears in the rotator cuff tendons, restoring stability and function to the shoulder.
  • Arthroscopic Stabilization of Dislocated Shoulder: Using arthroscopy, this procedure addresses shoulder dislocations by restoring the shoulder joint’s stability and early return to work and sports
  • Arthroscopic Remplissage for Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation: A specialized approach to recurrent shoulder dislocations, involving the augmentation of soft tissues to enhance joint stability and reduce recurrence.
  • Arthroscopic Glenoid Reconstruction/Mini-Open Latarjet: A procedure to treat complex shoulder instability, involving transferring a piece of bone to the shoulder socket to enhance stability.
  • Arthroscopic Repair of SLAP Lesion: SLAP (Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior) tears are repaired using arthroscopy to restore the attachment of the labrum and biceps tendon.
  • Arthroscopic Treatment of Para-labral Cyst: A minimally invasive technique to remove cysts that develop near the labrum, relieving pain and preventing potential complications.
  • Arthroscopic Biceps Tenodesis: This procedure involves relocating and fixing the biceps tendon to relieve pain and improve function in cases of biceps tendonitis or instability.
  • Arthroscopic Treatment of Calcific Tendinosis: Utilizing arthroscopy, calcific deposits in tendons are removed, relieving pain and restoring mobility.
  • Arthroscopic Release of Frozen Shoulder: An approach to treating adhesive capsulitis, arthroscopic release helps restore range of motion and alleviate stiffness.
  • Arthroscopic Stabilization of AC Joint Dislocation: Arthroscopic techniques are employed to treat dislocations of the acromioclavicular (AC) joint, restoring proper alignment.
  • Arthroscopic Superior Capsule Reconstruction/Assisted Tendon Transfer: A specialized procedure to restore shoulder stability and function by using tissue grafts/ muscle transfer.
  • Arthroscopic Release of Suprascapular Nerve: This procedure addresses compression of the suprascapular nerve, relieving pain and improving nerve function.
  • Arthroscopic CAM Procedure for Arthritis: Arthroscopic procedure to release the tightness of arthritic joint and reshape the worn-out bones help alleviate pain and improve joint movement and function.

These arthroscopic procedures offer advanced solutions for a variety of shoulder conditions, ensuring minimal invasiveness, quicker recovery, and improved patient outcomes.


Comprehensive surgical treatment for shoulder fractures aims to realign fractured bones, stabilize the joint, and promote healing. This procedure is tailored to the specific type and severity of the fracture.

Advanced Shoulder Fracture Fixation with PEEK Plates: Utilizing advanced PEEK (Poly Ether Ether Ketone) plates, this procedure offers a cutting-edge approach to stabilize shoulder fractures. PEEK’s unique properties provide optimum stability while promoting bone healing.

Fixation of Complex Shoulder Girdle/Scapula/Clavicle: Addressing complex fractures of the shoulder girdle, scapula, or clavicle, this procedure involves intricate reconstruction to restore normal anatomy, stability, and function to the affected area.

Fixation of Humerus Fracture/Non-Union/Failed Fixation: This procedure focuses on humerus fractures, non-unions (where a fracture hasn’t healed properly), or cases of failed previous fixation attempts. The goal is to restore bone alignment, stability, and promote successful healing.

These shoulder fracture procedures are designed to provide tailored solutions for a range of fracture scenarios. Dr Ram Chidambaram assesses each case to determine the most suitable approach, ensuring optimal outcomes and recovery.

Shoulder Replacement Surgery

A comprehensive surgical intervention to replace the damaged or arthritic shoulder joint with a prosthetic implant. This procedure aims to alleviate pain, restore joint function, and improve overall quality of life.

  • Hemiarthroplasty: Hemiarthroplasty involves replacing the humeral head (upper part of the arm bone) with an artificial component, leaving the natural socket intact. This procedure is commonly used for fractures or other conditions like avascular necrosis that affects the humeral head.
  • Stemless Total Shoulder Replacement: Stemless total shoulder replacement is an innovative approach where the humeral component is inserted without a traditional stem. This minimally invasive technique preserves more bone and allows early recovery.
  • Reverse Shoulder Replacement: In this procedure, the positions of the ball and socket of the shoulder joint are reversed. This is typically done for cases with severe rotator cuff tears or other complex conditions where a traditional replacement might not be effective.
  • Revision Shoulder Replacement: When a previous shoulder replacement requires repair or replacement due to wear, instability, or other issues, a revision shoulder replacement is performed. This procedure addresses complications from previous surgeries, aiming to restore optimal function
  • Arthroscopic TFCC Repair: A minimally invasive technique to address injuries or tears in the Triangular Fibro Cartilage Complex (TFCC) of the wrist. This procedure aims to restore stability and function to the wrist joint.
  • Arthroscopic Ganglion Excision: A minimally invasive procedure to remove ganglion cysts, fluid-filled sacs commonly found near joints or tendons. This technique relieves pain and discomfort and prevents cyst recurrence.
  • Arthroscopic Synovectomy for RA: Arthroscopic synovectomy is used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) by removing inflamed synovial tissue, alleviating pain and reducing joint inflammation.
  • Arthroscopic Capsular Release for Stiff Wrist: This procedure involves releasing the tight wrist capsule using arthroscopy, aiming to improve wrist mobility and flexibility in cases of wrist stiffness.
  • Arthroscopic Assisted Fracture Fixation: Arthroscopy is used as an adjunct to address fractures, aiding in accurate reduction and fixation of fractured bones while minimizing tissue disruption.
  • Arthroscopic Radial Styloidectomy: A procedure to remove the radial styloid, a bony prominence at the wrist, using arthroscopy. This technique is employed to relieve pain and improve wrist function in early arthritis that are related to scaphoid bone.
  • Arthroscopic Proximal Row Carpectomy: This procedure involves removing one of the carpal bones in the wrist’s proximal row to treat arthritis or other conditions causing pain and dysfunction.
  • Arthroscopic Assisted Limited Fusion: Arthroscopy assists in limited fusion of carpal bones, which can help address specific joint issues and conditions.
Scaphoid Fracture

A scaphoid fracture is a common wrist injury involving the scaphoid bone, located near the base of the thumb. Individuals who sustain a scaphoid bone fracture, often due to falls or wrist injuries. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent complications like non-union.

Minimally Invasive Scaphoid Fixation: Individuals with scaphoid fractures may benefit from minimally invasive fixation techniques. This approach uses small incisions and specialized instruments to stabilize the fractured bone, promoting quicker recovery and preserving wrist function.

Non-Union Surgery with Bone Grafting: For cases where a scaphoid fracture hasn’t healed properly (non-union), surgery may be needed. This procedure involves wrist arthroscopy and bone grafting, where healthy bone is placed at the fracture site to stimulate healing and restore stability.

Wrist Fracture Surgery

A wrist fracture is a common injury affecting the bones in the wrist area, often caused by falls or accidents. Swift and precise treatment is essential to restore wrist function and prevent long-term complications.

  • ORIF with locking plates
  • Correction of malunited distal radius fracture
  • Distal Ulna fracture
  • DRUJ dislocation
  • Revision of failed trauma surgery

Treatment Modality for Wrist Fracture: Our specialized wrist fracture treatments are tailored to your specific injury. From ORIF with locking plates to corrective procedures for malunited fractures, our skilled upper limb team is dedicated to restoring wrist function, ensuring your optimal recovery and long-term well-being.

ORIF with Locking Plates: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) with locking plates is a surgical technique used to treat wrist fractures. This method involves realigning the fractured bones and securing them with locking plates to promote stable healing.

Correction of Malunited Distal Radius Fracture: When a distal radius fracture heals in an improper alignment (malunion), corrective surgery may be required. This procedure aims to restore the bones’ proper position and improve wrist function.

Distal Ulna Fracture: Fractures of the distal ulna, a bone in the forearm, can affect wrist stability and function. Surgical intervention may be necessary to align and fix the fractured bone.

DRUJ Dislocation: Distal Radioulnar Joint (DRUJ) dislocation occurs when the forearm bones become misaligned at the wrist joint. Surgery may be needed to reposition and stabilize the joint.

Revision of Failed Trauma Surgery: In cases where previous trauma surgery has not yielded the desired outcome, revision surgery is performed to address complications or issues that may have arisen.

Wrist Ligament Repair

Scapholunate Ligament Repair with Internal Brace: This specialized procedure addresses scapholunate ligament injuries, which can lead to wrist instability. Repair with an internal brace involves restoring the ligament’s integrity using a supportive structure, promoting healing and preventing future instability.

Repair of Complex Perilunate Instability: Perilunate instability refers to the dislocation of multiple wrist bones. Repairing complex cases of perilunate instability involves addressing multiple ligaments and bones to restore wrist stability and function.

Thumb Base Procedures: Thumb base procedures refer to surgical interventions performed at the base of the thumb where it connects to the wrist. These procedures address various conditions affecting the thumb’s stability, movement, and function.

Treatment for Thumb Base Procedures: Our thumb base procedures are designed to address a range of conditions affecting thumb stability and movement. From fractures to arthritis, our specialized approaches, such as Bennet’s fracture fixation, trapeziectomy, CMC joint fusion, and suspension arthroplasty, aim to provide relief from pain, improve thumb function, and enhance your quality of life. Our expert team is here to guide you through the best treatment options tailored to your needs.

Bennett’s Fracture Fixation: Bennett’s fracture involves a break at the base of the thumb’s metacarpal bone. Surgical fixation restores alignment and stability to the fracture site, ensuring proper healing and thumb function.

Thumb base procedures

Trapeziectomy: Trapeziectomy is the removal of the trapezium bone, located at the base of the thumb. This procedure is often performed to alleviate pain and improve movement in cases of arthritis or degenerative conditions.

CMC Joint Fusion: CMC (Carpometacarpal) joint fusion involves stabilizing the joint at the base of the thumb by fusing the bones together. This procedure is used to address severe arthritis and pain.

Suspension Arthroplasty of Thumb: Suspension arthroplasty is a technique to treat arthritis or instability at the thumb base joint. This procedure stabilizes the joint using a tissue graft to restore thumb function and alleviate pain.

Wrist Replacement

Wrist replacement, also known as total wrist arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves replacing a damaged wrist joint with an artificial implant. This procedure is typically considered when severe arthritis, trauma, or other conditions lead to significant pain and reduced wrist function. Wrist replacement aims to relieve pain, restore joint stability, and improve overall wrist mobility.

Treatment Modality for Wrist Replacement: Our wrist replacement treatments offer personalized solutions for individuals experiencing debilitating wrist conditions. Our experienced Upper Limb Surgical team employs state-of-the-art techniques and implants to ensure optimal outcomes. Our commitment to your well-being extends to comprehensive pre-operative planning, the surgical procedure itself, and post-operative care. With a focus on minimizing discomfort and maximizing function, we’re dedicated to helping you regain your wrist’s strength and flexibility, enabling you to resume an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

  • Total Wrist Replacement: When severe wrist arthritis or joint degeneration affects your quality of life, our total wrist replacement offers a solution. It restores wrist function through joint replacement. Our skilled team employs advanced techniques and prosthetics to restore wrist function, reduce pain, and enable you to regain your active lifestyle.
  • Pyrocarbon Surgery: If you’re dealing with specific wrist bone or cartilage issues, our pyrocarbon surgery can provide targeted relief for selected patients. Our expert surgeons employ specialized approaches to address your unique concerns and restore optimal wrist function.
  • Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Decompression: For those facing the discomfort of carpal tunnel syndrome, our endoscopic carpal tunnel decompression offers a minimally invasive way to alleviate symptoms. Our precise techniques ensure quick recovery and restored hand function.
  • Trigger Finger and De Quervain’s Release: Painful finger or thumb tendon conditions can limit your hand’s functionality. Our trigger finger and De Quervain’s release procedures address these issues, freeing you from discomfort and enabling smooth movement.
  • Dupuytren’s Contracture Surgery: Dupuytren’s contracture is an abnormal thickening of tissues in the palm of the hand. Finger contractures from Dupuytren’s can restrict hand movement. Our specialized pin hole surgery releases these contractures, restoring hand function and allowing you to use your hand with ease on the same day.
  • Stiff Finger Surgery: Limited finger movement can hinder daily tasks. Our hey hole surgery enhances finger flexibility, helping you regain full hand functionality.
  • Metacarpal Fracture Fixation (Minimally Invasive Plating): Fractures in the hand’s metacarpal bones can be addressed through our minimally invasive techniques or plating procedures. Our goal is to ensure proper healing and restore hand strength.
  • Fixation of Complex and Multiple Phalangeal Fractures: For intricate finger bone fractures, our expertise in complex fracture fixation ensures meticulous restoration of bone alignment and joint function.
  • Malunited Fracture Osteotomy and Fixation: Improperly healed hand fractures can lead to discomfort. Our osteotomy and fixation procedure corrects alignment issues, facilitating proper healing and reducing pain.
  • MCP & PIP Joint Fracture Dislocation Surgery: Fractured or dislocated finger joints can be addressed through specialized surgery. We focus on precise joint realignment to restore hand function.
  • Mallet Finger Surgery: Our mallet finger surgery effectively treats finger extensor tendon injuries, allowing you to regain full finger extension.
  • Central Slip and Extensor Tendon Repair: For extensor tendon injuries affecting finger movement, our central slip and extensor tendon repair restores proper hand functionality.
  • Repair of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Thumb: Injuries to the thumb’s ligament can impact hand stability. Our repair procedure addresses these injuries, enhancing your thumb’s strength and movement.
  • Volar Plate Arthroplasty: Complex joint issues necessitate our volar plate arthroplasty. With specialized plates, we restore wrist stability and function, helping you return to your routine.
  • Hemi-Hamate Arthroplasty: When hand joint surfaces require reconstruction, our hemi-hamate arthroplasty ensures improved joint function and reduced pain.
  • Rheumatoid Hand – Deformity Correction: Deformities caused by rheumatoid arthritis can be corrected through our specialized procedures. Our focus is on restoring hand aesthetics and function.
  • Finger Joint Fusion: For painful or unstable finger joints, our fusion procedure provides stability and alleviates discomfort.
  • Finger Joint Replacement: Damaged finger joints are replaced with prosthetics, restoring hand function and reducing pain.
  • Treatment of Hand Tumors/TB: Hand tumors or tuberculosis-related issues can be treated through our specialized interventions, promoting optimal hand health.
  • Loose Bodies Fracture and Instability: Fractures and instability in the hand and wrist are addressed through our comprehensive treatments, ensuring stability and functionality.

Sports hold a significant place in our lives, promoting physical well-being, teamwork, and competition. However, active participation in sports carries the inherent risk of injury. These injuries can vary from minor strains to more severe fractures, demanding effective and appropriate treatment for a full recovery and a return to the field.

Sports-Related Injuries:
  • Sprains and Muscle Strains: These injuries are among the most frequently encountered in sports. Sprains involve the stretching or tearing of ligaments, while strains affect muscles or tendons. The typical course of treatment involves following the RICE protocol—Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Additionally, physical therapy is often employed to regain strength and flexibility.
  • Fractures: Bone fractures can occur due to impacts, falls, or collisions during athletic activities. The severity of the fracture dictates the treatment, which may encompass casting, splinting, or even surgical intervention to align and stabilize the broken bone.
  • Concussions: In contact sports, head injuries leading to concussions are common. Adequate rest and vigilant monitoring are essential, with athletes adhering to established protocols for a safe return to play.
  • Tendonitis: Overuse of tendons can result in tendonitis, characterized by pain and inflammation. Management typically involves rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy.
Treatment Approaches:
  • RICE Protocol: The fundamental approach to addressing sports-related injuries involves Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE). Rest allows the body to heal, while ice and compression help reduce swelling. Elevation aids in fluid drainage.
  • Physical Therapy: Many injuries respond well to physical therapy, which emphasizes tailored exercises for strength and flexibility. Therapists customize regimens based on individual requirements.
  • Medications: Pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and muscle relaxants are often prescribed to alleviate pain and diminish inflammation during the recovery process.
  • Supports and Bracing: For specific injuries like ligament tears or joint instability, physicians may recommend braces or supports to stabilize the affected area and prevent further harm.
  • Surgical Intervention: Severe injuries, such as complex fractures or torn ligaments, might necessitate surgery. Modern surgical techniques are employed to repair damaged tissues and foster healing.
  • Rehabilitation: Beyond initial treatment, rehabilitation is crucial for athletes to regain their fitness levels and skills safely. Rehabilitation programs often incorporate sport-specific drills and exercises.
GE Healthcare OEC One (Digital Mobile C-Arm)
  • GE Healthcare OEC One, a comprehensive digital mobile C-arm that delivers exceptional imaging for diverse procedures.
  • Optimize visibility with a 27-inch display, mounted on an articulating arm with five motion ranges, bringing images closer to the surgical field.
  • Benefit from enhanced space and maneuverability due to the compact footprint and ergonomic design.
  • Enable concurrent viewing with mirrored live images on the primary display and TechView tablet, enhancing collaboration between the surgeon and radiology technician.
Smith and Nephew 

(Arthroscopy System – Camera System, Pump, Drill Monitor, Recorder)

  • LENS Surgical Imaging System, featuring an autoclavable camera head that utilizes advanced 1080p broadcast-grade image technology. This technology ensures a broad depth of field, enhancing visualization.
  • Elevate your visual experience with a 31-Inch 4K LCD medical monitor, providing unparalleled clarity for intricate details, surpassing traditional medical displays.
  • Designed with precision, the GoFlo pump offers effective visualization across a wide range of procedures and a comprehensive surgical capability for all joint procedures.
  • Seamless transitions during arthroscopic surgeries are facilitated by the drill’s ergonomic design and the availability of modular accessories, enabling smooth component switching.
Philips Ingenuity CT (728 slice CT Scanner)
  • Low-dose, low-energy and low-noise imaging
  • Ingenuity CT coupled with I-Dose offers up to 80% less dose while maintaining image quality
  • ECG Dose Modulation for up to 53% dose reduction
  • Powerful X-ray tube and generator
  • MRC Ice X-ray tube for reliability and fast cooling
Philips Ingenia Elition 3.OT S (3 Tesla MRI machine) 
  • MRI exams up to 50% faster with up to 60% higher resolution
  • Wide bore for claustrophobic patients with immersive audio-visual experience to calm them
  • With up to 80% acoustic noise reduction and voice guidance, patients are made to feel at ease throughout the procedure

At the Institute for Shoulder, Elbow, and Sports Injury, our mission is to provide unparalleled care that addresses your unique needs. With cutting-edge technology, experienced specialists, and a patient-centric approach, we are here to support you every step of the way. Regain your freedom of movement and embrace a life without limitations – your journey to better orthopaedic health starts here.

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    We are with you in your journey to better health

    A consultation with our panel of orthopaedic surgoens will help you determine what kind of services you may need to help diagnose and treat your condition. If you or someone in your family or friend’s circle is having any orthopaedic condition or disorder, the Department of Orthopaedics and the Department of Should, Eblow, Hand, Wrist and Sports Injuries at MGM Healthcare is here to care for you. We have some of the best Orthopaedic surgeons, Orthopaedic doctors and Arthroscopic Specialists in Chennai on-board who are highly skilled in treating the entire spectrum of orthopaedic conditions.

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    About Us

    MGM Healthcare aspires to deliver outstanding patient experiences with world class expertise backed by next generation medical and digital technologies.

    Our specialities

    At MGM Healthcare, renowned medical experts are working together for improving care outcomes with technology assisted personalized medical care.

    Our Doctors

    Comprehensive and integrated care in key specialties, all under one roof with round-the-clock access to certified specialists and experienced doctors.

    Patient Information

    Know more about outpatient consultation, preparing for a surgery, admissions, billing and insurance and discharge process here.