Paediatric Speciality Clinics | Neonatology | MGM Healthcare


Where healing of little lives begin through compassionate care and personalized treatment

Welcome to the Department of
Paediatrics and Neonatology at MGM Healthcare

Neonatal Services

While a large number of deliveries are uneventful, in 10-15 % of pregnancies babies are born a few weeks early and sometimes, even months prior. Babies born prematurely require additional care and support to thrive well for the first few weeks. Our NICU is fully-equipped to care for all babies and it possesses advanced facilities required to care for sick new borns, including transport, ventilation, HFO, Nitric oxide and ECMO facilities.

Paediatric Speciality Clinics

  • A Well Baby Clinic deals with the total well-being of every child. During these visits, the child’s growth, development and nutrition, and any other concerns of the family, are evaluated in detail.
  • One of the important services offered by a Well Baby Clinic is immunisations. This clinic provides an array of diagnostic and preventive services.
  • A High Risk Follow-up Clinic caters to the needs of the new born babies who have had? problems at or soon after birth, like failing to cry at birth, low blood sugars, fits, severe jaundice, severe infections and those requiring breathing support, babies with low birth weight and genetic conditions.
  • A neurodevelopmental assessment is performed to pick up early signs of developmental problems to ensure good outcomes and reduce morbidity. These babies and their families are also provided with early intervention and therapies to help with their overall development.
  • We have a 24×7 paediatric emergency service which is manned by a paediatrician at all times. Children arriving at any time of the day with any emergency are first evaluated and their care is dictated by the severity of their illness, in liaison with one of our senior paediatric consultants.
  • Children come to the ER for foreign body ingestion, trauma and surgeries. Children presenting with ailments requiring simple intervention are managed in the emergency room short stay ward and sent home after stabilisation.
  • Not all ambulances are fit to transport new born and little children to the hospital in times of emergency. Our special ambulances, fitted with a transport incubator, are fully equipped to ferry new born babies and children including facilities for ventilation and oxygen support.
  • All transported new born and sick children are accompanied by a neonatologist or a paediatric intensivist, respectively, and a trained nurse.
  • The Paediatric ICU specialises in the care of critically ill infants, children and teenagers and is monitored by paediatric intensivists and specialised nurses who are trained and experienced in paediatric intensive care.
  • We provide adequate support from all diverse specialties to manage the sickest of children, including acute respiratory distress syndrome and asthma, trauma, congenital heart defects, gastrointestinal conditions and organ transplants.
  • The adolescent medicine wing of paediatrics focuses on the care of patients who are in the adolescent period of development (10-18 years of age). Most adolescents tend to fall between the cracks —


  • They are often mistakenly concerned ‘too old’ to visit their paediatrician yet ‘too young’ to visit an adult physician. We cater to the needs of the adolescent population — nutrition, behaviour, puberty-related concerns and so on.


  • With respiratory conditions like asthma becoming more common nowadays, there has been an increased incidence of children presenting with wheezing and other symptoms relating to asthma.


  • This requires evaluation and follow-up in our asthma and respiratory clinic to ensure optimal growth and development and facilitate such children to function to their maximum potential. Children with other chronic respiratory problems will also be followed up here.


  • Conditions of the heart have become one of the more common conditions in new borns and children in the recent past. Improper development in-utero often leads to improper development of the heart.


  • At our Cardiology clinic, we care for and treat all forms of congenital and acquired heart diseases and their attendant complications.


  • Th Child Guidance Clinic for children with developmental delays offers multispecialty expert services (comprising paediatric neurologist, clinical psychologist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, neurophysiologist, speech therapist and rehabilitation services, nutritionist) for children with delays in achieving developmental milestones.


  • Our child psychologists are equipped with all the necessary tools to evaluate in detail and provide an individualised treatment plan.


  • With improving awareness among paediatricians and the general public about psychological needs of children and increasing detection of disorders like autism, learning disabilities, attention deficit and hyperactivity, there is a dire need for psychology services exclusively for children.


  • Here, we assess these children using internationally accepted tools, devise an individualised strategy to manage their condition and follow up their course meticulously.


  • With stress factors building up and proving to be challenging for children to cope with in their tender age, they require compassionate assessment, evaluation and comprehensive management for their problems including mood disorders,
  • depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and so on. This is exactly what we provide them in the Child Psychiatry Clinic and ensure a good quality of life for kids to have a memorable childhood.
  • Children with disorders of hormones including those of thyroid, pituitary (resulting in stunted growth or abnormally tall stature), sex hormones (including pubertal problems) and adrenal glands are assessed and cared for in our Endocrine Clinic.
  • Our consultant endocrinologist also deals with the management of type 1 diabetes in children, a condition that is often diagnosed between the age of 0 and 14 years.
  • When it comes to stomach pains, children can barely communicate the exact issues as they often don’t understand where the pain is coming from. Paediatric gastroenterology experts are sensitive to the problems in the child’ s stomach and gastrointestinal tract and can quickly diagnose the cause of the issue
  • Besides the stomach, the clinic also deals with the varied problems involving the liver, gall bladder and the pancreas. The gastroenterologist may also do other therapeutic and diagnostic tests.
  • Problems in children involving genetic mutations, chromosomal disorders, inherited diseases, resulting from deficiency or abnormalities of enzymes or other chemicals required for normal functioning are dealt with in our Metabolic and Genetics Clinic.
  • Paediatric nephrology is the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases affecting the renal system of a new born, infant or child. At our nephrology clinic, our paediatric nephrologist deals with cases of urinary tract infections, kidney stones,
  • structural problems in kidneys, blood in urine, nephrotic syndrome and so on, as well as congenital conditions affecting the kidneys, bladder and associated organs.
  • Paediatric neurology is the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of symptoms affecting the nervous system of a new born, infant, child or adolescent. At our neurology clinic, our experts are skilled in the management of complex or di cult to treat disorders of the nervous system.
  • We diagnose and offer treatment for babies and children who present with fits, hypotonia (floppy baby syndrome), headaches, muscle weakness disorders, abnormal movements and so on.
  • After the birth of a baby mothers are supported in breast feeding by a trained lactation consultant This support is extended even after the baby is discharged and on follow up in the outpatient. Problems with nutrition are very common in childhood. Undernutrition has always been a concern in paediatrics, so we assess their growth pattern and refer them to the nutrition clinic if they show signs of inadequate nourishment.
  • An expert nutritionist charts out a plan for a balanced diet and monitors the response. Our Nutrition Clinic also focuses on the detection and early management of paediatric obesity through dietary modification, lifestyle and behavioural changes.
  • This clinic attends to the unique eye problems encountered in children like squint and retinopathy of prematurity. Our paediatric ophthalmologist attends to these issues with availability of state-of-the-art technology.
  • Opting for surgery is not a decision to be taken lightly, especially in the case of newborns and children. Children with conditions requiring surgical intervention require delicate handling.
  • Our surgeons ensure diligent assessment of the child regarding the need for surgery, their ability to cope with the surgery and follow-up of these children closely in the post-operative period to ensure complete recovery.
  • Children with chronic illnesses warrant long-term follow up and care intended to help them recuperate from their illnesses. Our Rehabilitation Clinic provides these services and ensures that the children enjoy life to their fullest potential.
  • This involves regaining muscle strength in children with weakness, chest physiotherapy to improve lung function and so on.
  • Comprehensive and integrated care — that is our motto here at MGM Children’s, the Department of Paediatrics and Neonatology at MGM Healthcare. Our department is supported by the services of excellent highly-experienced teams of doctors supporting the care of children, in other departments.
  • This includes a paediatric cardiac surgery unit capable of handling all complex cardiac surgeries in children and new-borns, including performing heart transplants which is possible only in a few centres across India.
  • We also have the facilities for liver transplant in children diagnosed with liver failure. Aside from these, paediatric neurosurgery services, paediatric radiology with baby-friendly imaging technology for faster image capture and better diagnosis, ENT services including new-born hearing screening and assessment, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and other allied services are available to provide nothing but the best care for your child.

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    We are with you in your journey to better health

    We have some of the best paediatricians and best neonatologist in Chennai on-board to treat a wide range of conditions in children from new-born stage till they turn 18 years. We are one of the best hospitals in Chennai for Paediatrics and Neonatology. Dealing with your child’s illness can be stressful and scary for you. We understand this and discuss your child’s condition and treatment plan in way you can understand. Our team of Paediatricians and Neonatologists are also supported by our medical team across 30+ specialities and has experience in caring for children of every age and developmental stage. If you or anyone in your family or friend’s circle is looking for children’s health care, we are there for you at MGM Healthcare.

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