Helpful Resources for International Patients - MGM Healthcare

Patients are at the core of everything we do

Born out of a need for altruism, MGM is obsessed with bettering patient experiences and improving outcomes through expertise, passion and technology. Our organizational values are driven by personal and professional integrity. It is our guiding light for our commitment to transparency, accountability and patient centricity. We follow international standards of safety and care and have been accredited by NABH, NABL and JCI. We are also a LEED Platinum-certified hospital. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), powered by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), is an internationally recognised green building certification system that provides verification that a building has been designed and built using efficient strategies like energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction and improved indoor environmental quality.

All these certifications and accreditations help us communicate to you our efforts in making the hospital truly, a centre of excellence, following international standards of safety, quality and care while being patient friendly and medically advanced by the use of advanced IoT driven technologies and processes. We have outlined the stringent blood safety measures and infection control measures that we take at our hospital. We have also outlined the rights you have as patients to receive highest standards of medical care. We have also outlined the responsibilities that you need to fulfil as a patient using our facility to make your stay and everyone else’s very comfortable and hassle-free.

Blood Safety Measures

The primary aspect of blood safety measure is to ensure that the donated blood does not cause harm. Our blood bank follows stringent SOPs and protocols to ensure safety and quality of blood and blood products used in our hospital is in par with clinical standards worldwide. We follow and implement stringent protocols while collecting blood, plasma and other blood components from donors. Once the blood is collected it is screened thoroughly for transfusion related transmissible infections, including HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis, other infection markers, blood grouping and compatibility testing, and systems for processing blood into blood products (blood components for transfusion and plasma derived-medicinal products), as appropriate, to meet health care needs. We recommend blood transfusion only when it is absolutely necessary and practice safter clinical transfusion protocols. Our staff is well trained in maintaining and assessing quality standards.

Infection Control Measures

We have a highly stringent infection control program in place which restricts the spread of infection among patients and clinical and support staff in our hospital. This helps to reduce patient’s morbidity/mortality, decrease length of hospital stay for patients and thereby the cost associated. We use a set of standard operating procedures and precautions while caring for our patients. Infection control measures include practicing hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment (PPE) while handling infectious materials or patients with an infectious disease, following respiratory hygiene through usage of masks, following cough etiquette principles, disinfecting and cleaning thoroughly equipments/devices/instruments used for patient care, cleaning and disinfecting the environment every day regularly, handling textiles and laundry carefully, ensuring needles and biowastes are disposed as per standard norms and following safe injection processes, cleaning of wounds, etc

Accreditations and Certifications

MGM Healthcare is a NABH-accredited hospital. The accreditation focuses on patient safety and the quality of the delivery of services by the hospital. We are a proud JCI-accredited hospital, one of the youngest hospitals in the country to achieve this seal of quality approval. We are also a NABL-accredited hospital. A hospital that is NABL-accredited provides the general public availing healthcare services in a hospital with an assurance of genuine reports from accurately calibrated testing, confidence in technicians performing the tests and overall satisfaction from the services provided. We are a LEED Platinum-certified hospital. We are currently the highest-ranking USGBC LEED Platinum-certified Green Hospital in South India as we consume one-third the energy and water when compared to other buildings of this scale.

Personal Rights

A patient has the:

  • Right to privacy with respect to his/her medical condition, medical reports and treatment plan.
  • Right to have his/her medical record treated as confidential and only the clinical care team having access to it.
  • Right to signing a consent form before undergoing any surgery/procedure and being given a clear understanding of what is being done during the course of medical treatment.
  • Right to take a second opinion consultation if the patient wishes to.
  • Right to make informed decision by being accurate information regarding diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan.
  • Right to transparent billing and payment.
  • Right to receive compassionate, personalize care irrespective of gender, nationality, religion, race and ethnicity.
  • Right to know the names and designation of everyone who will be involved in treating the patient.
Patient Responsibilities

Patient responsibilities include:

  • Providing correct, completed and transparent information about their current health, any allergies, symptoms and past medical history.
  • Coming for their medical appointments on-time and informing the patient relations team if any cancellation or re-scheduling is required
  • Treating our staff with respect and talking to them politely and courteously.
  • Ensuring that they minimize visits from friends/family post-surgery and when they are recovering in their room/ICU.
  • Following facility rules regarding smoking, noise and use of electrical equipments.
  • Respecting the properties and rights of others.
  • nsuring they coordinate with the insurance cell through our facilitators if payment is going to be cashless via insurance and ensuring paying in a timely manner.
  • Following all the instructions carefully given by our medical team while undergoing treatment.
  • Understanding the consent form before signing it.
  • Ask questions if anything is not clear about their treatment plan.
  • Keep the medical team posted about any symptoms, emergencies, dis-comfort, bleeding, etc during recovery while in the hospital and after going home.

We're Here to Help

We understand the needs of international patients and families. Our international coordinator will welcome you and assist you in multiple ways. Right from scheduling your appointments, planning your travel, booking your accommodation, arranging for medical visa, verification of insurance, our coordinators will be your point of contact throughout your visit and help you navigate our health care system to ensure that your experience is as comfortable as possible. We have outlined the steps below as you plan your travel and treatment at MGM Healthcare