Guidelines for Medical Tourists - MGM Healthcare | Best Super-MultiSpecialty Hospital in Chennai

How can we help you plan your visit?

MGM Healthcare provides end-to-end patient care services for international patients visiting any of the MGM Healthcare facilities in India. Our international patient relations coordinators remain in touch with you. They will help in securing appointments, visas, assisting with the travel arrangements, and your stay in India, while undergoing treatment at our hospital.

Guidelines before you travel for your treatment

At MGM Healthcare, our international patient relations coordinator with work with you closely to ensure that everything is well planned before you start to out hospital for admission and treatment.

Here are some guidelines and checklist which you can refer to as you embark this journey to better health.
  • Please make sure you have a valid visa and have made all the travel arrangements right from planning your travel, booking ticket, transport from airport to your place of stay and booking your accommodation.
  • Please carry with you your medical records, blood reports, scan reports, any letter issued by the doctor/hospital, any prescriptions, immunization records, your photographs, health insurance details, mobile phone and electronic devices, comfortable clothing, local currency cash/credit card/forex card, toiletries, your glasses/mobility aids/dentures/hearing aids if any, ticket, hotel booking details, hospital contact details, etc
  • Make a file or folder and ensure all the necessary important documents along with their photocopies is well organized. Keep the originals in a safe place.
  • Please ensure you are aware about the treatment and procedure that you are seeking so that your expectations from the surgery are realistic. He or she must also have knowledge about physical therapy, period of recovery, and post-surgery care.
  • Please schedule online video consultation with the doctors/surgeons/medical care team and discuss with them clearly about the treatment and procedure that you are seeking so that your expectations from the surgery are realistic. Also discuss about physical and rehabilitation therapy you might need during the recovery period and what are the post-surgery care that you should take while recovering in the hospital and once you return to your home country.
  • Please discuss with your doctors and understand how long will it take for recovery, how should you plan your discharge and what arrangements you have to make back at home so that you can come back and recover smoothly.
  • Please discuss with your doctors, any travel related medical guidelines that you have to follow while travelling. For example, there are certain pointers to overcome Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) which includes taking short walks down the aisle on the plane, exercising the muscles of your lower legs, which act as a pump for the blood in the veins, wearing loose fitting clothes, drinking enough water, avoiding alcohol and other caffeinated drinks

We're Here to Help

We understand the needs of international patients and families. Our international coordinator will welcome you and assist you in multiple ways. Right from scheduling your appointments, planning your travel, booking your accommodation, arranging for medical visa, verification of insurance, our coordinators will be your point of contact throughout your visit and help you navigate our health care system to ensure that your experience is as comfortable as possible. We have outlined the steps below as you plan your travel and treatment at MGM Healthcare